Kimberly Heym
- Biological and Env Science
Contact Information
- 614-236-6121
- kheym@fenxiong.net
- Battelle Hall 288
Dr. Kim Heym has been teaching at Capital since 1992. As a graduate student at The Ohio State University, she soaked up every teaching opportunity available and discovered her love to teaching while she served as a teaching assistant at OSU's College of Medicine and School of Dentistry.Anatomy and Physiology 232
Sophomore Seminar 200
Foundations of Modern Biology 151
Non-Major''s Biology 100
Ph.D. in Neuroscience, The Ohio Sate University
Farleigh, M. and Heym, K. (2018) The Use of Exercise to Delay the Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease and Improve Quality of Life, Proceedings of the National Conference on Undergraduate Research. Pages 675-683.
Dumke, R. and Heym, K. (2017) The Effect of Musical Training on Working Memory Proceedings of the National Conference on Undergraduate Research. Pages 393-399.
Ivery, M. and Lee, N. (2014) Do Music and Science Students Have the Same Learning Styles?Proceedings of The National Conference on Undergraduate Research, April 3-5, 2014: 1313-1321.
Heym, K., (2012) A Look at Laguage in the Great Apes – What do Science and Religion Say About us and our Closest Relatives? Retreived August 31, 2012, from http://ubccolumbus.org/templeton view.aspx?articleid=68
Heym, K., Biology 100 Lab Manual, Copley Custom Textbooks. 2010.
Cheesman, K., Heym, K., Anderson, C., Inquiry Into Modern Biology Lab Manual, Copley Custom Textbooks. 2010.
Heym, K.W., Anderson, D.K., Horrocks, L.A., The Effects of Glutamate on the Morphology of Spinal Cord Cell Cultures. Submitted to the Ohio Academy of Sciences Annual Meeting, April 28-30, 1995.
Heym, K., Anatomy and Physiology Coloring Book, Capital University in house publication, 1994.